Support the Project
If you would like to support the project, you may donate below. If you wish to donate in a different manner please contact our team directly at vhenry(at)smith(dot)edu. For a detailed breakdown of the project, its goals, and its future impact we encourage you to read the complete project proposal. A budget worksheet is included.
All donors should feel free to email us their contact information, as we would love to keep you informed about the project (we will not disclose your information to anyone else). If a donor should choose to share her/his contact information with us, she/he will be provided with regular updates and photos during our time in Peru, as well as a final report on the project upon our return. We will also be happy to do an in person presentation on the project whenever possible.
We sincerely appreciate your support in any capacity as we work to make the library a reality for the women and children of Mantay.
Dear, Victoria,Geneviéve, and Paul.
I am a student from the Taos High School, and our club known as Interact would like to help your benefit. Years ago our club went to Peru and handed out medical supplies and toys, at the time it is not possible to go back because of economical and safety reasons. We would like to become involved in anyway possible though. Interact is a club completely dedicated to making the world a better place. Please let me know if we can be of any help to you. Feel free to contact me at 575-779-4978 or my email
Vanessa Gonzalez
(Interact Member)